I have always been intrigued by the cute mugs and all sorts of fun things that some boutiques seem to offer. I finally figured out how they did it, POD or Print on Demand! While I could do things like sublimate onto mugs, I simply don't have the space for a mug press or room for inventory. Just ask my family...I have a whole corner of the basement junked up, and a corner of the garage junked up too!
Today I added in a few mugs, that will be created for you when you order them, by a print on demand supplier with good reviews. I am really excited to bring these items to you-and hope you are equally as excited.
I added three designs from my tapestries-there's another one but I am currently fighting with my computer to let me edit the image and save it. *sigh* Technology, right?
Well, keep your eyes on my site for some new stuff coming up over the next couple of days. Thanks for checking this out.